Balance is an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. It seems that everyone is trying to reach that sweet spot of balancing life’s responsibilities. Between being a mother, working, and fulfilling wifely duties it feels like the tasks never stop. I have already written a post on finding the woman in the mother that you can find here. There is always something to clean, fix, or do when you wear many hats. The tasks never seem to end. Even when there is nothing to do your mind runs rampant with all things that you need to be doing with your time instead of resting.
I have heard so many women say they are trying to balance motherhood and I began to truly reflect on their words. Like what does balancing motherhood really mean? How do you truly provide equal distribution to all things when there is a position that you embody 24/7? The truth is that it’s ok to not balance motherhood because, in all honesty, I believe that motherhood isn’t a position that was intended to be balanced. It’s a priority and will always be! This is what makes it hard because no matter what, nothing will ever compare to the relationship that I have with my child. And this doesn’t mean that you can’t make time for you! Making time for you is equally important. Let’s get to chatting about why balancing motherhood is a myth that contributes to women lacking fulfilled lives.

1. being a mother is a job that requires attention no matter the time, day, or season
Being a mother is not something that we can turn on or off. There isn’t a switch that flips off in our brain when we aren’t around our kids. This is because there are actual changes in the brain that occur that are connected to our emotions and can cause us to worry about our children whenever they are not in our sight. As mothers, we are oftentimes at work thinking about the needs of our children and how we can fulfill them. This means that our minds often deviate from the set task of working, to gravitate towards our natural priorities, our children. Balancing means there is an even distribution of duties and when being a mother there is never a time when your child needs you where you voluntarily will not come to their aid because of your work or personal duties. When your kids come first, other things naturally will fall behind them in importance. This doesn’t mean that you can’t be a successful working mom, it just means that my priorities are set and that there is more thought that goes into managing your time so that it also works best for your kid(s).
2. our kids are a direct reflection of us
People always say you make time for the things that are important to you. And with our children, this is no different. Moms spend their time making lunches, creating activities, and putting their mental health on the line to be everything for their children. And even when we are burnt out, we will still push through and get the job done. However this same energy is not always given to our job, our even sometimes our relationships. And it’s because our kids are personal to us and are looked at as reflections of ourselves. Ask any mom, if their child is sick what are they going to do. Their answer is likely to be them calling into work no matter the number of things they have to do to make sure their child is ok. They will deal with the repercussions that come with it as long as their child is fine. This is not balancing because, at any point in time when our children need us, we are going to come rushing in to provide the care they need no matter what. It’s difficult to balance that type of role because there is nothing in the world that even compares in importance to it.

3. balance requires roles to be on the same level of priority
Usually, people can balance things that are somewhat equal in their priority but motherhood is not something that you can even remotely battle with. If you ask a woman who they are they will oftentimes state that they are a wife (if they are one) and a mother and then will state their job position. IN THAT ORDER!!!! This isn’t a coincidence, this is truly how we feel. Women will quit their jobs, fight, and God knows what else for their children. But they will think again to do these things for themselves or their significant others.

I wrote this post to help relieve that anxiety of feeling like you had to balance it all. Because trying to balance it all is tiring, exhausting, and downright impossible. Something is likely to always fall lower on the priority list when being a mother. But something being less important doesn’t mean that we aren’t working hard on making those things come true. They are just less important than our children. You can be a great mother and have a successful business. You can love your children and still want to follow your dreams. It just takes better management of your time, effort, and energy.
By trying to balance it all we put the pressure on ourselves to give everything in our life the same amount of time and dedication. And it’s just not realistic. Life is full of natural ups and downs, that carve out life’s experience into this beautiful masterpiece. Enjoy the ride of wherever life takes you and designate your time where you see fit. As a mother, our children often motivate us to push ourselves to our limits and help us to reach the dreams that we feel are unimaginable. And because they come first, before our dreams they are often apart of the locomotive to make them happen. You are not failing mama! You are doing well, and are setting your priorities the way they should be.
Please share this post on social media, if you feel that it was helpful to you. I appreciate it very much!
The priorities and order of important is a huge one! There’s nothing more important to me than being a mom
Its such a huge role to play and i feel like if I tried to balance it I would fail miserably.
Caressa, this was a real life reminder that we truly cannot balance it all. I can recall doing all of the things you mentioned above for my children. But, never once did I even consider or give it a second thought to do it for myself. Shoot even when not feeling well, I will push through and get the job done. But as Taylor stated above its all about priorities and I now prioritize not only my children, but myself, spouse and family as well. After my sister passed.. I now value the time God has given me with them so much more. Thank you for this gut check. In reality we are wives and mothers first irregardless of anything else.
Yes we are and nothing will ever change that! I have accepted it and embrace it as well!
Yes being a mom takes a lot and it is definitely a top priority! We do whatever we have to do to make sure our children are good!
Yes mamas do not play about their babies!
I agree it is definitely a myth and will always be. No matter what, my family will always come first. I dislike the term “work, life, balance”. There is no balance. Our children are a reflection of us. We don’t want them to see us in distress, because that spills over into their lives.
Exactly and I will never be able to act like my work is nearly as important as the relationship I have with my son.
Girl my reflection coming in fours and I am reminded everyday that they truly are my children
Yes they are ! And we blessed to have them!
Yes motherhood takes a lot and for me it’s definitely a priority. I will drop everything for my child to make sure he is good. I look at my son and see how much spirit he has and how happy he is and it fulfills me.
I feel the exact same way.
I appreciate you for sharing this. You are absolutely correct. We will wear ourselves out. This reminds me of the meme that says, “ Only one of us can look good.. me, the kids, or the house.”
Right its true we oftentimes are told we need to treat everything equally but that’s just not realistic.
I strongly believe that this concept holds true for motherhood as it does for other aspects of life. I was very impressed with what you wrote and I share your thoughts!
So true! Balancing is a myth! It’s more about prioritizing. To me, what could be even remotely more important than being a mother!
So much truth in this post!! Nothing compares to mothering a child. Nothing at all! I’m still working on prioritizing other things though bc realistically, we have to give our attention to other tasks. It’s just tough doing it all
Balancing all the things I do has always been a struggle, I still have to tell myself that being perfect isn’t probably the best mindset. The greatest job I’ve ever had in this world is being a new mother and this is something I will cherish forever!
It’s definitely not as easy as some make it seem. Being a Mom is a 24/7/365 thing!
The photos are adorable!! This post is amazing. Even though i’m not a mom yet, these will be great things to keep in mind when I am one day.
Moms are real superheros, I can’t imagine managing a career and kids. Thank you for sharing your story
This year in particular put the importance of motherhood into perspective for me. I really appreciate this post especially for mothers chasing the perfect balance.
There is no such thing as daily balance! We all do our best to try to juggle it all! Great post
Definitely going to share this with my sister since she’s a mom to a two year old little boy with one on the way!
These photos are adorable, I will have to share this with my cousin she just had her second baby.