Ar·gue definition: give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one’s view. There comes a time in everyone’s relationship where an argument will happen. And how to argue effectively is a skill that often takes time and patience as you build your relationship. My husband and… Read More
finding the woman in the mother
As women, we oftentimes lose ourselves in being mothers. Were taught to take care of everyone else before ourselves. We are critiqued and made to feel guilty about needing time and space away from our children. Being a mother is made out to be a role that requires you to lose yourself in everything that is not YOU. As a… Read More
Celebrating Mother’s DAY: lessons learned by millennial moms from all walks of life
With Mother’s Day approaching, I struggled to find a way to contribute to the conversation of motherhood. I wanted to add value to the meaning of motherhood and what people really felt along their journey. As a first time mom, I have looked forward to this holiday for years as I believed that it was kind of like a second… Read More
Are you in love with garlic parmesan wings and want and easy way to make them using an Air Fryer? Well this recipe was made just for you! Ingredient List includes: Air Fryer, chicken wings, garlic power, minced garlic, grated parmesan cheese, butter, and pepper If you like your wings crispy, pat each wing dry and feel free to use… Read More
During these times, I have felt serious feelings of being burnt out. Burnt out from having to cook. Burnt out from constantly holding my baby. Burnt out from trying to do all these things at once. And what I’ve come to realize is that feeling overwhelmed is totally normal, as a matter of fact, it comes with being human. So,… Read More
5 Ways to have more Successful Friendships
It’s easy to get friends, but it’s a lot harder to maintain them. Have you ever had a falling out with a friend, and neither of you really knew the reason why the relationship fizzled? I know I have. Sometimes its miscommunication, or that you grew apart. Sometimes, it’s because of absolutely nothing at all. Everyone at one point has… Read More