With Mother’s Day approaching, I struggled to find a way to contribute to the conversation of motherhood. I wanted to add value to the meaning of motherhood and what people really felt along their journey.
As a first time mom, I have looked forward to this holiday for years as I believed that it was kind of like a second birthday. A day where I would be celebrated for all the hardwork it takes to be a mom. But then I thought to myself of all the beautiful life lessons taught to me through the form of motherhood. And how much the process has helped to refine me into the progressing woman I am today. Through the experiences of other women , I was able to view motherhood in a different way. A way that focused on the understanding that being a mother was multifaceted in the way that people viewed it.
I had the pleasure of asking 6 millennial influencer mamas what their biggest life lesson was in motherhood and the best thing about being a mom. These women come from all walks of life and have had differing experiences in their struggles and successes of being mothers.
Julianna Baxter, Creator of Withlovejulianna.com, Motherhood & Lifestyle Blog

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being a mom?
“The biggest lesson I’ve learned with being a mother is that it’s okay to ask for help. I’ve always been very independent and have done things on my own. I never really liked asking for help because I thought I would be a burden, however raising a child takes not only both parents but an entire village! I’ve had to learn to let go of my pride and ask for help when I knew I was struggling or just needed a break. Learning that it was okay to just say “hey I need your help with this” or “hey can you hold her so I can just get some air” really made all the difference and took some of the weight off my shoulders. Motherhood is not a solo journey, there are so many people out there including family that will help you along the way, you just have to be open to receiving that help!”
What is the best thing about being a mom?
“The best thing about being a mother…that’s so hard to answer because I love so many things about it. If I had to pick just one it would be seeing my daughter smile and her eyes light up with joy when she see’s me after taking a nap or when I come home from the store or work. I could never get tired of the way that makes me feel. She just gets so excited and then she runs into my arms for a hug. I just can’t imagine a better feeling.”
Cinthia Valentin, Creator of Cinthiasnest.com, Honest Motherhood and Lifestyle Blog

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being a mom?
“The number one lesson I learned in motherhood is to expect the unexpected. You see, I’m a planner by nature and dare I say a little bit of a control freak. My firstborn was such an “easy” baby, and I thought I had it all figured out already. Boy was I wrong! My second born came around to show me to let go and that I’m no longer in control. Now that my third is here, I have definitely learned to embrace the chaos and use it as a learning tool! “
What is the best thing about being a mom?
“My favorite thing about being a mother is the unconditional love. It might sound cliche but the bond and love you share between your children is like nothing else. Before becoming a mom, I would hear this and think “surely, it’s not much different from the love I know now?” But there’s a reason why they say a mother’s love can move mountains.”
Bianca Alexis, Creator of Itssincerelybianca.com , Motherhood, Lifestyle & Homeschool Blog

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being a mom?
“As a new mother, I changed a lot. Motherhood taught me that “Change isn’t all bad”. Of course, after three kids I do not fit my favorite jeans anymore and the coke bottle figure is long gone. But more importantly, I have changed into a better version of myself. A woman that is continually growing, learning, and maturing. I am forever grateful for the change that motherhood has brought me.”
What is the best thing about being a mom?
“My favorite part of motherhood is being my children’s “Safe Place”. I love it when I can calm my children just by being with them. I love that they call on me when they are happy, scared, hurt, or even confused. I know that as they grow, they will not always call on mama but at least for now, I will treasure this time.”
Alexis Herring, Blogger of Livinglifetheherringway.com, Motherhood, Marriage, & Lifestyle Blog

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being a mom?
“The biggest lesson I’ve learned as a mother is how to truly love. My son has autism and is currently non-verbal, so motherhood for me looks a little different. I have never heard the words “mama” or “I love you,” but when he looks at me in my eyes and gives me strong hugs, I know that’s what he is saying. My son has taught me that love needs no words. You can tell a person or child you love them all day, but how do you show it? Can that individual feel it? Love is a beautiful thing.”
What is the best thing about being a mom?
“The best thing about being a mom is the bond. As I mentioned before, my son isn’t talking just yet, and it has taken a lot of intentional interaction to build our relationship. So, I love when we’re laughing together and I can see his smile. I live for his handsome smile. I love that after a long day of work, I can pick him up from school and he’ll run right over to me with open arms. Our bond is priceless, and it really is the best thing to me.”
Rondelle Martin, Youtube Personality of Daily Delle, Beauty, Lifestyle, & Motherhood Channel

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being a mom?
“The biggest lesson I’ve learned about being a mother is that you are never really prepared for motherhood, and motherhood hardly ever looks like how you planned it would. However, God fills those gaps for us and enables us to be more than sufficient with the child(ren) given to us.”
“My motherhood journey is far from a fairytale. I found out I was pregnant in the midst of an unequally yoked relationship, and a season of being financially destitute and depressed. To make matters worse, my son’s father thought that was the best time to inform me that he really doesn’t want children and to try to urge me to get an abortion. As if that wasn’t enough, he reassured me that he would not be there to help me raise the baby.”
“Trust me, I always wanted to be a mother from the time I was a little girl. Now being a single mother was never part of the plan. I wanted the husband, the house, the kids, the dog, and the white picket fence. Instead here I was on food stamps, WIC, and any other government-funded program I needed, scrambling to figure out how I was going to make it for my child and myself. I dealt with the guilt, shame, gossip, judgmental opinions and glances–everything you can think of.”
“Being thrusted in this situation reminded me that we can plan our lives, but things don’t always go according to the plan. Motherhood is no different. Even now I find myself still surprised by many aspects of motherhood. Some days, I’m defeated and just cry because I feel like I’m failing my son in so many ways. There’s still a lot I’m trying to iron out. Other days I feel victorious and I can see the small wins. Even still there are days I’m flat out guessing my way through, and hoping for the best.”
“Regardless, of what kind of day I’m having, God has been sufficient to provide in ways beyond my imagination. Even on my lowest days His grace is amazing. So to all my single mothers out there, extend grace to yourself as well. For many of us this is not the hand we would have preferred to be dealt, but you are doing a great job with the cards you’ve been dealt. There is still purpose in this motherhood journey.”
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being a mom?
“The thing I like best about being a mother is watching my son develop his own personality. I always remember hearing my parents talk about how fast my siblings and I grew, and how amazed they were at the adults we became. Now I know that feeling first hand.”
“It feels like I just gave birth to my son yesterday and he’s about to be 4 in November. I remember wondering if he would ever hit certain milestones and now those have been reached and he’s striving towards the next set of milestones.”
“It truly is amazing to see the growth process first hand. Oh, and the amount of love I have for my son is unexplainable. My love for my son is a great representation of Christ’s love for us–it truly is unconditional.”
Taylor Reign , Blogger of Iamtaylorreign , Family, Lifestyle & Decor Channel

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being a mom?
The biggest lesson that I’ve learned from motherhood is adaptation. I am definitely a planner and I like to be very structured. I always try to predict how things will happen and prepare in the best way possible. From the day my son was born, my plans have been turned completely upside down. From giving birth two months early, to exclusively pumping and caring for a preemie, adaptation was essential every step of the way. It’s taken more than just a “go with the flow” attitude. I’ve had to create real change within myself and learn new techniques so that I can continue to give him the best care.
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being a mom?
The best thing about being a mother is seeing my son’s smile. When he smiles, I automatically smile too. It’s so magical. I love seeing the joy on his face, especially when he just stares at me and then starts smiling. I just know that he loves me so much and it feels wonderful. I probably say something different every time I talk about the best part of being a mother. I love it all!
Through the beautiful experiences of these ladies, I was able to ditch my singular thought of what a mother was. A mother is more than taking the kids to practice or making school lunches. Being a mother is a choice to wake up each and everyday no matter the circumstances to give your very best to the little human(s) you formed whether that be through birth, adoption, or surrogacy. Sometimes we wont feel our best and thats ok, but what a mother does is persevere in the midst of it all.
XO, The Imperfect Woman
I love what you said about the second birthday! That’s how I’ve been feeling too. It’s so great to read the experiences of all of these moms. This was an awesome post!
I absolutely loved working with different mothers as it opened up my thought process of who a mother was. Thank you for your comment.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share my story on this. Loved reading all the ladies experiences and I pray this post blesses everyone who reads it 🙏🏽
The pleasure was all mine. I couldnt have gotten this done without you!
This is an amazing post! Motherhood looks different for all and it’s important that is highlighted on a daily, like you’ve done here!
Yes, our differences is really what connects us all to the experience of motherhood! Its the best hood to be apart of.
The website looks great! Thank you for asking me to be a part of this, I really enjoyed reading what everyone else had to say!
Thank you for being a willing participant and sharing your story!
Love this and the transparency of all the moms. I feel like we try to make our lives seem so perfect and motherhood is everything but. All we can do is whatvwe can. Keep striving mamas. I love it!❤
Yes part of motherhood is making mistakes because that is the only way we can learn anyway.
Beautiful post!! I think as moms we put far to much pressure on ourselves to be perfect. We dont ask for help for fear of judgement. Yes some will judge, but reach put to those who love you and they will always have your back!! We need to lift each other up instead of tearing each other down.
Yes I am all for uplifting women in their struggles its better to work together than seperate!
This was so beautifully done! I loved reading all the responses and different perspectives from everyone!
Love this post so much! Even though motherhood can look so different for all of us, it’s crazy how each of the ladies shared relatable thoughts & feelings.
I totally agree and I believe that is one of the most beautiful things about being a mother.
This line: ”choice to wake up each and everyday no matter the circumstances to give your very best” really resonates with me. We had a tough day, and I’ve been thinking about how I need to get better about starting over. It is a choice. I will choose it.
The beauty of it is that we get to make a choice each and everyday and im so happy that you could relate to it.
Congratulations on your site love. I loved reading everyone’s thoughts. We are all different but motherhood brings us together and we all share so many similarities.
Thank you so much! I would like to thank you for support my blog as it means the world to me!
Love how upfront everyone was. Love this post!
Thank you and Im so happy you enjoyed it !
I love the comment of “I have changed into a better version of myself.” I hope we can all say that about our motherhood journey!
I hope so as well I definitely feel that I am a more aware person after becoming a mother.
I absolutely love this!
All these ladies are amazing. The great thing about motherhood too is that it looks and is different for each of us. There is no right or wrong way. You got to do what works best for you and yours.
Thank you for sharing mama!!! I love it ❤️
Thank you for reading ! Motherhood is so beautful that it allows the mother to define what it looks like.