All relationships have their ups and downs. There will be times where your partner will light up the Earth itself but other times where the very sight of them annoys you. However, in your relationship you must always find a way to continue to uplift and speak life into your partner no matter the circumstances. If you find yourself not in the best space with your partner, you are still obligated to love them, care for them and treat them with respect. Together you must find ways to pull yourselves out of the hole that you’re in and look for the best in each other. I HAVE 5 TIPS THAT YOU CAN USE TO HELP SUPPORT YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER IN TIMES OF DISAGREEMENT, TRANSITION, AND CHANGE.
It’s hard to find time when you factor in cooking dinner, working out, and taking care of kids. But it has to be done. Be aware of the time and get all the things done early so that you can take some time at night to spend with your significant other. Setting aside at least an hour a night for you two to just connect can have a long lasting effect on the success of the relationship. When I didn’t make time for my husband at night I could literally feel the tension in the home as we were losing our identity in becoming parents. At one point we forgot how it was to be alone because we were so used to being with little one. Your kids are better off with you having a strong relationship with your partner so find the time to continuously invest in it.
On many occasions, my husband and I have had a disagreement due to miscommunication on what the other wanted/needed. Listening to what your partner needs from you is key. You can be doing all the things you think that your partner wants and they could still be unhappy. Get used to being direct and asking straight up what they want! This needs to happen in a nice way of course. This way you eliminate the gray area as to what each person needs.
Put down your phone, gaming systems, and tablets as they are major distractions. Using your phone while being with your significant other during that small amount of time designated time. It can be misconstrued as you not really wanting to be there or that it is not important to you. We also tend to not listen as well when we are multitasking. Focusing on your partner makes them feel like you care enough to hear them out, whether that be about the bad day they had or about their hobbies.

Make plans in advance as this sends a signal to your significant other that they were on your mind when planning the date. Who wouldn’t like that? Also planning in advance will also stop your dates from becoming routine because you ran out of time to plan them. Be intentional as to where you take them and if it has a story behind it let they know why. Your partner will appreciate the effort you put into making your date special and meaningful. I have found that listening to my partner talk about places they want to try out has given me easy ideas for date planning.
Every couple should be aware of the significant others love language. If your partner’s love language is physical touch but you tend to always give them gifts, it may send the message that you do not care enough to love them in the way that they NEED to be loved. It’s not about your intentions all the time, it is also about how they receive it. By catering to their love language it’s difficult for anyone to feel that they are not being listened to or cared for.
XO, The Imperfect Woman
I’ve been working on #5. He is a physical touch person, and that is my lowest love language LOL. I’ve been trying to snuggle more, and he’s trying to use more words of affirmation/acts of service for me.
keeping a relationship healthy is definitely an ongoing thing! it’s really easy sometimes to just coast because you know your partner will always be there, but your relationship will suffer!
Yes! Love these tips so much. What a great reminder. In our marriage, when I feel extra on edge with my husband, I find it’s usually because we haven’t had time to connect.
The love language one is the hardest. Sometimes it’s difficult to love your spouse in the way they need/know to be loved, but love is hard!
With a newborn, trying to create time for ourselves has been our greatest challenge. Hoping we will figure it out soon. Thanks for sharing these tips.
Now I know why I have an amazing marriage, it’s because we’ve been consistently doing all 5. 🙂
Keeping the strong bond between the two of you is so important for the success of your marriage. Great tips!
This was so great! #1 can be so hard with kids but is so important. Thanks for these great tips 😊
So many good tips here on how to strengthen your marriage or relationship. So important to make time for each other.
Oh man, my husband has been so angry with me because he says that I’m “always on my phone” – you are right. He hates it! I need to do better!